11 March 2007


My other blog is more generic in order to appeal to mainstream computer users, not just database developers and users. I decided to branch off with this blog on database tips because I realize that many of my readers (at least the ones from the newsgroups) are looking for database tips, but a database-oriented blog would bore the majority of my other readers. So if you're interested in computer software, the Internet, and security in general, as well as the free things I find on the Internet, please continue to read my other blog, Data Devil Dog. If you're interested in databases, specifically Microsoft Access and the things one can do with Access when connected to other database engines, please read this blog, Database Tips. But Microsoft Access isn't the only database out there, it's just the most popular, so I'll also add tips for working with other database engines, especially Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL, which are the other most popular databases out there.

I won't promise to write in this blog every day, or even every week, but I'll try to post new entries at least five or six times per month and update older entries as needed. I don't want to duplicate content that can be found elsewhere on the Internet, so I plan to start off with using this blog as a guidepost to point readers in the right direction of where to find "the good stuff," and add my own tips that I've found helpful as I go along.

If you have a blog (or even a Web site!) about databases, or computers, or the Internet, then please link to this blog on your blogroll, and I'll be happy to link to yours to help us all get more links.

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